Simply being thankful

I’m thankful for finally getting to the point in my life where I can let go of pain and hurt. A lot of people haven’t made it to that point, yet.

I prayed so hard one night because I was so tired of the feeling. The feeling of pain , anger and frustration! I was tired of crying about it. I was tired of trying to get an understanding over something I had NO control over.
I broke down and prayed to God. I asked God to REMOVE these feelings from my heart. I just wanted it over and done. I talked with God and cried my self to sleep. I needed those final tears to seal the wounds on my heart and I haven’t thought the same about it since. I feel healed.

And in this healing I feel lighter. I feel better about myself and I grateful that I am no longer the same person and that I am no longer hurting and crying. I am thankful for GROWTH🌻.
Change is GOOD!

One lesson I’ve learned is holding on to pain only hurts you. 

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